
法律专业留学|2015年10月22日 15:15
  Monash University中文名莫纳什大学,或称蒙纳士大学,建校时间称不上悠久,1958年才建校。虽建校未满百年,但作为澳洲传统的八大名校之一莫纳什大学在世界上也是享有盛誉,在2015年QS世界大学排名第67位。而该校法学更是可以说实力雄厚,在QS专业排名上常年排名靠前,今年位列16。

  莫纳什大学法学院老师不少都是法学领域的泰斗,比如,前任院长Professor Arie Freiberg,曾担任过澳大利亚及新西兰犯罪学协会主席,因在法律方面的杰出贡献, 2009年被授予澳大利亚勋章。目前是澳大利亚司法管理研究理事会成员之一。现在的法学院院长 Professor Bryan Horrigan在商业法上研究卓越,也担任着政府和许多企业的法律顾问。另外不少法专业的老师本身就是毕业于本校,也会邀请司法部门资深人士和法律界人士以及国际客座教授担任授课。
  澳大利亚众多政界精英毕业于莫纳什大学法律系,维多利亚州历史上第一个最高法院女性首席大法官玛丽莲.沃伦就是莫纳什大学1973年毕业的法律系学生。去年法学院成立50周年,澳大利亚总理Tony Abbott 发出祝贺视频。可以说莫纳什大学法学院校友资源非常丰富。
  莫纳什大法学院还拥有全澳最大的法律图书馆,还有模拟法庭供学生进行案例模拟辩论。2004年,法学院辩论小组代表澳大利亚参加了在美国举办的极具威望的Philip C.Jessup国际法辩论大赛,近来还击败了哈佛大学赢得国际仲裁辩论赛大奖。


  1.Master of Law法学硕士
  LAW5301 Copyright
  LAW5302 European union law and policy
  LAW5305 International trade law
  LAW5306 Corporate insolvency
  LAW5307 Occupational health and safety
  LAW5303 Forensic family law
  LAW5304 Overview of international human rights law
  LAW5310 Sentencing
  LAW5317 Principles of privacy and freedom of information
  LAW5304 Overview of international human rights law
  LAW5305 International trade law
  LAW5314 International environmental law
  LAW5338 International humanitarian law

  2.Master of Commercial Law 商业法硕士
  LAW5301 Copyright
  LAW5302 European union law and policy
  LAW5305 International trade law
  LAW5306 Corporate insolvency
  LAW5307 Occupational health and safety
  LAW5311 Takeovers
  LAW5312 Competition law
  LAW5314 International environmental law
  LAW5369 World Trade Organization (WTO) law
  LAW5370 Discrimination law and human rights at work
  LAW5375 Arbitration of international commercial disputes
  LAW5384 International investment law
  LAW5385 Corporate finance law
  LAW5392 Globalisation and international economic law
  LAW5394 Banking law

  3.Master of Human Rights Law 人权法硕士
  人权法方向涉及传统和新兴议题,从儿童权益、恐怖主义到移民和隐私侵犯问题等等都是学习和研究的重点。鼓励学生研究政府、国际组织、企业当中的人权问题。本方向课程设置分为两大板块:A 人权法律知识B 扩展类专业知识选修课和研究。在A板块需要修满30学分,在20门课程中完成至少四门课程,B板块需要修满18学分,共有20门课程选择。
  LAW5303 Forensic family law
  LAW5304 Overview of international human rights law
  LAW5310 Sentencing
  LAW5317 Principles of privacy and freedom of information
  LAW5334 Psychiatry, psychology and law
  LAW5338 International humanitarian law
  LAW5354 International criminal justice
  LAW5359 International human rights law and women
  LAW5365 Terrorism and human rights
  LAW5370 Discrimination law and human rights at work
  LAW5377 The use of force in an international law
  LAW5381 Human rights advocacy: Australian law and practice
  LAW5324 Discrimination law, theory and policy
  LAW5345 Human rights, business and the global economy
  LAW5348 Indigenous rights and international law
  LAW5364 Economic social and cultural rights and international law
  LAW5371 Protecting the rights of minorities, marginalised and vulnerable people
  LAW5373 Comparative bills of rights

  4.Master of Intellectual Property Law知识产权法硕士
  本方向的研究生课程提供在知识产权制度和与之相关领域法律方面的理论和实践课程,致力于培养在知识产权领域和通信法领域的人才。A类基础课程包括产权、国际贸易法、竞争法等20门课程,需要至少修完4门课程30学分,另有包括WTO 法、产权现状等在内的B类11门选修课及研究,需要修满18学分。
  LAW5301 Copyright
  LAW5305 International trade law
  LAW5312 Competition law
  LAW5315 Commercial alternative dispute resolution
  LAW5316 Trade marks and commercial designations
  LAW5317 Principles of privacy and freedom of information
  LAW5321 Protecting commercial innovation: Patents and trade secrets
  LAW5325 Defamation law
  LAW5336 Law of the internet
  LAW5340 Intellectual property
  LAW5353 Cybercrime
  LAW5431 International entertainment law
  LAW5448 Copyright X: Monash
  LAW5318 International aspects of intellectual property
  LAW5352 Electronic workplace law
  LAW5339 Technology contracts and licensing law
  LAW5341 Trade mark practice
  LAW5346 Design law and practice

  5.Master of Regulatory Studies监管研究硕士
  LAW5304 Overview of international human rights law
  LAW5307 Occupational health and safety
  LAW5310 Sentencing
  LAW5317 Principles of privacy and freedom of information
  LAW5319 Law of employee relations
  LAW5438 Current issues in sports law
  LAW5347 Consumer policy and regulation
  LAW5357 Corporate governance and directors' duties
  LAW5361 Foundations of regulation: Policy, principles and practice
  LAW5312 Competition law
  LAW5313 Planning law
  LAW5320 Local government law
  LAW5341 Trade mark practice
  LAW5343 Privacy and surveillance: Law, policy and governance
  LAW5352 Electronic workplace law
  LAW5362 Regulatory methods
  LAW5363 Regulatory performance: evaluating what works.

  6.Master of Workplace and Employment Law职场与就业法硕士
  LAW5304 Overview of international human rights law
  LAW5307 Occupational health and safety
  LAW5319 Law of employee relations
  LAW5344 Negotiation: Essential skills for dispute resolution
  LAW5352 Electronic workplace law
  LAW5356 Corporate and white collar crime
  LAW5358 Current issues in workplace law
  LAW5390 Workplace bargaining and agreements law
  LAW5370 Discrimination law and human rights at work
  LAW5374 Federal labour law
  LAW5315 Commercial alternative dispute resolution
  LAW5324 Discrimination law, theory and policy
  LAW5360 Advanced conflict resolution skills

  IELTS 总成绩不低于7.0,各单项成绩不低于6.5;托福要求94分以上,写作不低于24分,听力和口语不低于20分,阅读不低于19分。


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